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Posted by belakepare | 12:00 AM | | 0 comments »

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Credit cards have ballooned in popularity over the last decade. While once the preserve of the very rich, or very indebted, they are now available to practically everyone who wants them. They have become far easier to get a hold of. There is also a huge variety of choice out there for anyone who wants a credit card.

Different Types of Credit Cards

There are exclusive cards that offer their holders a huge array of benefits in exchange for a fee. But there are also cards that carry no subscription fee, give zero per cent on balance transfers and sometimes on purchases to for a certain period and offer quite competitive rates after that.

Increasing Demand

The credit card industry has experienced a massive amount of competition in recent years. Not only have a huge number of new players entered the market, but with the growth of store cards and debit cards, the traditional credit card providers have had to vastly improve the terms on which they do business with customers. This means that customers have more choice and better offers than ever before and this is also fuelling the demand for more credit cards.

Foreign Travel

Credit cards are becoming increasingly popular for people who frequently travel abroad. Rather than carry traveller’s cheques or a host of currencies around with them, they simply take a credit card. This can be used to pay almost anywhere in the world, and even when this becomes difficult, you can still use your credit card in a local bank machine to take out cash in whatever currency you need. Of course credit cards will charge a fee for all of this, but increasingly, as these fees become more competitive, customers are deciding that the fees are well worth the convenience and reliability that they offer while abroad. They are also very secure and if lost or stolen, can be cancelled quickly and easily.

Shopping Online

Online shopping has been another reason for the growth in popularity of credit cards and one of the main advantages to younger shoppers who are buying more and more goods and services online. From flights, to car rental bookings, to books and cds, shoppers would find it increasingly difficult to make such purposes if they did not have a credit card.

Consumer Debt

All of these benefits are what is leading to the phenomenal growth in the popularity of credit cards, but this is also leading to a serious problem of debt. The economy is in dire straits mainly due to consumer debt and with the lure of credit within everyone’s easy reach the problem looks set to increase. Only a massive swing in consumer attitude could change this problem without the intervention of the government. The Bank of England in fact is, at the time of writing, contemplating another increase in the base interest rate in an attempt to curb further spending.

Therefore, anyone considering taking out a new credit card should check the terms and conditions carefully and find out if they can afford it or not.

A credit card can be an asset to your lifestyle, but if not handled carefully it can become a liability, especially if you find it so convenient and easy to use that you lose control of your spending.

This short guide will help you understand how you can use your credit card so it works to your advantage, not against you.


A credit card can:

1. Offer free use of funds, provided you always pay your balance in full, on time.
2. Be more convenient to carry than cash.
3. Help you establish a good credit history.
4. Provide a convenient payment method for purchases made on the Internet and over the telephone.
5. Give you incentives, such as reward points, that you can redeem.


On the other hand, credit cards can:

1. Cost much more than other forms of credit, such as a line of credit or a personal loan, if you don’t pay on time.
2. Damage your credit rating if your payments are late;
3. Allow you to build up more debt than you can handle;
4. Have complicated terms and conditions;

What is a credit card?

A credit card is more then a simple piece of plastic, it is first and foremost a flexible payment tool accepted at 30 million locations worldwide, and if the card balance is paid off every month, then no interest is charged on purchases made so, essentially, short-term credit is granted without the consumer paying any interest.

Among its many features it provides:

1. Access to unsecured credit (no collateral required against amounts charged)
2. Interest-free payment from time of purchase to the end of the billing period
3. Instant payment of purchases, allowing for instant receipt of goods and services
4. 24/7 access
5. Fraud protection

However before you decide to use your credit card, carefully consider all of the factors and weigh them against your personal needs and values.

What about credit card control?

Handling money and credit cards wisely is a talent few of us are born with. But it is a skill that can easily be learned. The place to start is with budgeting.

What is a Budget?

It’s simply an organized way of managing your finances, basically, it gives you an overall picture of where your money is coming from, when it’s coming in and how it’s being spent. A budget should be flexible, changing according to your circumstances.

Why Budget?

Budgeting helps us achieve short-term goals like paying the monthly bills on time; it’s also for longer-term financial goals like buying a home, a car, paying for an education,
a wedding or a holiday. When you take control of your financial affairs, you’re more confident about the future.

A budget is key to financial control. It gives you a “Polaroid picture” of where you stand financially and where you’re heading.

Credit card control tips

Use a low or no-fee credit card and save on the annual fee that some companies charge.

Only charge to your credit cards what you can pay off in full when the bill comes.

You might not use your credit card as much if you start believing that you have to pay off your entire balance at the end of each month.

A good way to help to reduce what you pay on your credit card is to search for a card with a lower interest rate. Many financial institutions now offer at least one of these types of cards.

Remember that when you take a cash advance on your credit card, the interest starts accumulating immediately and not on the due date of your credit card bill.

Also keep in mind that if you make only the minimum monthly repayment you may never get out of debt.


The main advantage of having a credit card is convenience but if you're not good at budgeting and managing your finances, the over-use of credit cards can leave you with a debt that's very difficult to pay back.

MRTA vs Mortgage Life (MLTA)

Posted by belakepare | 8:32 PM | | 0 comments »

Disini saya ingin berkongsi bersama saudara/ri sekalian mengenai perbezaan diantara MRTA vs Mortgage Life , saya dapati ramai diantara peminjam pinjaman perumahan yang akan kebanyakanya memilih MRTA berbanding dengan Mortgage Life. Saya akan tunjukan perbezaan diantara 2 'financial tool' ini seperti rajah dibawah...

Sila ikuti keterangan ini mengikut susunan nombor bergaris

1) Katakan anda meminjam sejumlah pinjaman bernilai RM200K.

Tempoh pinjaman anda adalah selama 30 tahun.

Sepanjang tempoh ini, anda melindungi pinjaman anda dengan MRTA yang berharga RMxxx (perlu bayar lumpsump dan harga premium berubah mengikut umur). Ok disebabkn MRTA adalah term insurance, ia tidak mempunyai sebarang unsur simpanan dan manakala premium yang anda bayar lumpsump upfront itu akan hangus dan tidak akan membawa apa2 pulangan dari berbentuk simpanan setelah anda selesaikn pembayaran tempoh pinjaman anda.

3) Apabila anda habis bayar pinjaman rumah anda(katakan sampai tahun ke 30) anda akan hanya mendapat sebiji rumah sahaja yang telah anda langsaikan hutangnya.

4) Tetapi seperti anda dan diri saya tahu, kita hanya mampu merancang sahaja dalam kehidupan kita dan Allah jualah menentukanya. Katakan pada tarikh ini (line merah ke bawah) si peminjam menemui ajalnya dan kembali ke rahmatullah.

5) MRTA akan selesaikn segala hutang baki dari tarikh si peminjam ini meninggal.

6) Pewaris tidak perlu lagi membayar hutang pinjaman rumah berkenaan dan akan memperolehi sebiji rumah yang ditinggalkn oleh si arwah

Sekarang ini pula saya akan tunjukan pula features dan benefit yang akan anda perolehi perlindungan dari Mortgage Life

1) Sama juga seperti senario diatas, anda meminjam pinjaman perumahan berjumlah RM200K

Tempoh pinjaman anda adalah selama 30 tahun

Kali ini, anda melindungi pinjaman anda dengan Mortgage Life dimana features nya anda mempunyai simpanan apabila anda membayar premium tersebut.

4 & 5) Seperti anda dapat lihat seperti rajah diatas, jumlah simpanan anda setiap tahun akan meningkat tahun demi tahun dan simpanan ini anda boleh jadikan ia sebagai retirement fund anda apabila sudah habis bayar loan rumah, anda boleh gunakan simpanan ini untuk perbelanjaan pendidikan anak anda dimasa hadapan,simpanan boleh dibawa keluar untuk melancong ke luar negeri atau buat saja apa yang anda suka dengan duit simpanan itu. Seperti saya tunjukn rajah diatas, anda boleh bawa keluar duit simpanan itu untuk membayar pinjaman perumahan anda lagi awal dari tempoh matangnya tanpa perlu usik duit KWSP anda (bukan ke smart dengan cara begini ;) huhu ) pada tahun ke 25, ini bermakna sebelum anda pencen, komitmen hutang terhadap pinjaman perumahan anda sudah selesai.

6) Malah setelah selesai hutang loan rumah anda, jikalau anda meneruskan dengan perlindungan dari Mortgage Life ini, anda boleh jadikan ia sebagai satu harta wasiat untuk ditinggalkan pada keluarga tersayang apabila anda sudah tiada lagi disisi mereka sebagai tanda kasihsayang anda pada mereka.

7) Seperti anda dan diri saya tahu, kita manusia ini hanya mampu merancang sahaja dalam kehidupan kita dan Allah jualah menentukan segalanya. Katakan pada tarikh ini (line merah ke bawah) si peminjam menemui ajalnya dan kembali ke rahmatullah.

8) Mortgage Life akan selesaikan hutang si arwah ini, dan berpandu pada rajah diatas, katakan baki loan masih ada lagi RM100K, Mortgage Life akan selesaikan baki tersebut

9 & 10) Pewaris akan memperolehi sebiji rumah DAN juga duit (bil elektrik,bil air,makanan,sekolah anak, pakaian masih perlu dibayar walaupun 'breadwinner' sudah tiada dan duit ini akan digunakan untuk memberi nafas sedikit kepada pewaris selepas ketiadaan 'income breadwinner)

11) Dari baki Mortgage Life (selepas tolak RM100K duit loan) iaitu RM100K


Inilah perbandingan yang saya ingin kongsikan bersama sdara/ri sekalian diantara MRTA dan MORTGAGE LIFE....Keputusan tetap ditangan individu itu sendiri untuk menilai 'financial tool' manakah yang terbaik untuk diri mereka. Cuma saya sebagai seorang insuran ejen dan sebagai seorang muslim yang mempunyai ilmu sebegini telah pun melaksanakan tanggungjawab saya untuk berkongsi dgn sdara/ri mengenai ilmu ini....