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Posted by belakepare | 12:00 AM | | 0 comments »

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Credit cards have ballooned in popularity over the last decade. While once the preserve of the very rich, or very indebted, they are now available to practically everyone who wants them. They have become far easier to get a hold of. There is also a huge variety of choice out there for anyone who wants a credit card.

Different Types of Credit Cards

There are exclusive cards that offer their holders a huge array of benefits in exchange for a fee. But there are also cards that carry no subscription fee, give zero per cent on balance transfers and sometimes on purchases to for a certain period and offer quite competitive rates after that.

Increasing Demand

The credit card industry has experienced a massive amount of competition in recent years. Not only have a huge number of new players entered the market, but with the growth of store cards and debit cards, the traditional credit card providers have had to vastly improve the terms on which they do business with customers. This means that customers have more choice and better offers than ever before and this is also fuelling the demand for more credit cards.

Foreign Travel

Credit cards are becoming increasingly popular for people who frequently travel abroad. Rather than carry traveller’s cheques or a host of currencies around with them, they simply take a credit card. This can be used to pay almost anywhere in the world, and even when this becomes difficult, you can still use your credit card in a local bank machine to take out cash in whatever currency you need. Of course credit cards will charge a fee for all of this, but increasingly, as these fees become more competitive, customers are deciding that the fees are well worth the convenience and reliability that they offer while abroad. They are also very secure and if lost or stolen, can be cancelled quickly and easily.

Shopping Online

Online shopping has been another reason for the growth in popularity of credit cards and one of the main advantages to younger shoppers who are buying more and more goods and services online. From flights, to car rental bookings, to books and cds, shoppers would find it increasingly difficult to make such purposes if they did not have a credit card.

Consumer Debt

All of these benefits are what is leading to the phenomenal growth in the popularity of credit cards, but this is also leading to a serious problem of debt. The economy is in dire straits mainly due to consumer debt and with the lure of credit within everyone’s easy reach the problem looks set to increase. Only a massive swing in consumer attitude could change this problem without the intervention of the government. The Bank of England in fact is, at the time of writing, contemplating another increase in the base interest rate in an attempt to curb further spending.

Therefore, anyone considering taking out a new credit card should check the terms and conditions carefully and find out if they can afford it or not.

A credit card can be an asset to your lifestyle, but if not handled carefully it can become a liability, especially if you find it so convenient and easy to use that you lose control of your spending.

This short guide will help you understand how you can use your credit card so it works to your advantage, not against you.


A credit card can:

1. Offer free use of funds, provided you always pay your balance in full, on time.
2. Be more convenient to carry than cash.
3. Help you establish a good credit history.
4. Provide a convenient payment method for purchases made on the Internet and over the telephone.
5. Give you incentives, such as reward points, that you can redeem.


On the other hand, credit cards can:

1. Cost much more than other forms of credit, such as a line of credit or a personal loan, if you don’t pay on time.
2. Damage your credit rating if your payments are late;
3. Allow you to build up more debt than you can handle;
4. Have complicated terms and conditions;

What is a credit card?

A credit card is more then a simple piece of plastic, it is first and foremost a flexible payment tool accepted at 30 million locations worldwide, and if the card balance is paid off every month, then no interest is charged on purchases made so, essentially, short-term credit is granted without the consumer paying any interest.

Among its many features it provides:

1. Access to unsecured credit (no collateral required against amounts charged)
2. Interest-free payment from time of purchase to the end of the billing period
3. Instant payment of purchases, allowing for instant receipt of goods and services
4. 24/7 access
5. Fraud protection

However before you decide to use your credit card, carefully consider all of the factors and weigh them against your personal needs and values.

What about credit card control?

Handling money and credit cards wisely is a talent few of us are born with. But it is a skill that can easily be learned. The place to start is with budgeting.

What is a Budget?

It’s simply an organized way of managing your finances, basically, it gives you an overall picture of where your money is coming from, when it’s coming in and how it’s being spent. A budget should be flexible, changing according to your circumstances.

Why Budget?

Budgeting helps us achieve short-term goals like paying the monthly bills on time; it’s also for longer-term financial goals like buying a home, a car, paying for an education,
a wedding or a holiday. When you take control of your financial affairs, you’re more confident about the future.

A budget is key to financial control. It gives you a “Polaroid picture” of where you stand financially and where you’re heading.

Credit card control tips

Use a low or no-fee credit card and save on the annual fee that some companies charge.

Only charge to your credit cards what you can pay off in full when the bill comes.

You might not use your credit card as much if you start believing that you have to pay off your entire balance at the end of each month.

A good way to help to reduce what you pay on your credit card is to search for a card with a lower interest rate. Many financial institutions now offer at least one of these types of cards.

Remember that when you take a cash advance on your credit card, the interest starts accumulating immediately and not on the due date of your credit card bill.

Also keep in mind that if you make only the minimum monthly repayment you may never get out of debt.


The main advantage of having a credit card is convenience but if you're not good at budgeting and managing your finances, the over-use of credit cards can leave you with a debt that's very difficult to pay back.

MRTA vs Mortgage Life (MLTA)

Posted by belakepare | 8:32 PM | | 0 comments »

Disini saya ingin berkongsi bersama saudara/ri sekalian mengenai perbezaan diantara MRTA vs Mortgage Life , saya dapati ramai diantara peminjam pinjaman perumahan yang akan kebanyakanya memilih MRTA berbanding dengan Mortgage Life. Saya akan tunjukan perbezaan diantara 2 'financial tool' ini seperti rajah dibawah...

Sila ikuti keterangan ini mengikut susunan nombor bergaris

1) Katakan anda meminjam sejumlah pinjaman bernilai RM200K.

Tempoh pinjaman anda adalah selama 30 tahun.

Sepanjang tempoh ini, anda melindungi pinjaman anda dengan MRTA yang berharga RMxxx (perlu bayar lumpsump dan harga premium berubah mengikut umur). Ok disebabkn MRTA adalah term insurance, ia tidak mempunyai sebarang unsur simpanan dan manakala premium yang anda bayar lumpsump upfront itu akan hangus dan tidak akan membawa apa2 pulangan dari berbentuk simpanan setelah anda selesaikn pembayaran tempoh pinjaman anda.

3) Apabila anda habis bayar pinjaman rumah anda(katakan sampai tahun ke 30) anda akan hanya mendapat sebiji rumah sahaja yang telah anda langsaikan hutangnya.

4) Tetapi seperti anda dan diri saya tahu, kita hanya mampu merancang sahaja dalam kehidupan kita dan Allah jualah menentukanya. Katakan pada tarikh ini (line merah ke bawah) si peminjam menemui ajalnya dan kembali ke rahmatullah.

5) MRTA akan selesaikn segala hutang baki dari tarikh si peminjam ini meninggal.

6) Pewaris tidak perlu lagi membayar hutang pinjaman rumah berkenaan dan akan memperolehi sebiji rumah yang ditinggalkn oleh si arwah

Sekarang ini pula saya akan tunjukan pula features dan benefit yang akan anda perolehi perlindungan dari Mortgage Life

1) Sama juga seperti senario diatas, anda meminjam pinjaman perumahan berjumlah RM200K

Tempoh pinjaman anda adalah selama 30 tahun

Kali ini, anda melindungi pinjaman anda dengan Mortgage Life dimana features nya anda mempunyai simpanan apabila anda membayar premium tersebut.

4 & 5) Seperti anda dapat lihat seperti rajah diatas, jumlah simpanan anda setiap tahun akan meningkat tahun demi tahun dan simpanan ini anda boleh jadikan ia sebagai retirement fund anda apabila sudah habis bayar loan rumah, anda boleh gunakan simpanan ini untuk perbelanjaan pendidikan anak anda dimasa hadapan,simpanan boleh dibawa keluar untuk melancong ke luar negeri atau buat saja apa yang anda suka dengan duit simpanan itu. Seperti saya tunjukn rajah diatas, anda boleh bawa keluar duit simpanan itu untuk membayar pinjaman perumahan anda lagi awal dari tempoh matangnya tanpa perlu usik duit KWSP anda (bukan ke smart dengan cara begini ;) huhu ) pada tahun ke 25, ini bermakna sebelum anda pencen, komitmen hutang terhadap pinjaman perumahan anda sudah selesai.

6) Malah setelah selesai hutang loan rumah anda, jikalau anda meneruskan dengan perlindungan dari Mortgage Life ini, anda boleh jadikan ia sebagai satu harta wasiat untuk ditinggalkan pada keluarga tersayang apabila anda sudah tiada lagi disisi mereka sebagai tanda kasihsayang anda pada mereka.

7) Seperti anda dan diri saya tahu, kita manusia ini hanya mampu merancang sahaja dalam kehidupan kita dan Allah jualah menentukan segalanya. Katakan pada tarikh ini (line merah ke bawah) si peminjam menemui ajalnya dan kembali ke rahmatullah.

8) Mortgage Life akan selesaikan hutang si arwah ini, dan berpandu pada rajah diatas, katakan baki loan masih ada lagi RM100K, Mortgage Life akan selesaikan baki tersebut

9 & 10) Pewaris akan memperolehi sebiji rumah DAN juga duit (bil elektrik,bil air,makanan,sekolah anak, pakaian masih perlu dibayar walaupun 'breadwinner' sudah tiada dan duit ini akan digunakan untuk memberi nafas sedikit kepada pewaris selepas ketiadaan 'income breadwinner)

11) Dari baki Mortgage Life (selepas tolak RM100K duit loan) iaitu RM100K


Inilah perbandingan yang saya ingin kongsikan bersama sdara/ri sekalian diantara MRTA dan MORTGAGE LIFE....Keputusan tetap ditangan individu itu sendiri untuk menilai 'financial tool' manakah yang terbaik untuk diri mereka. Cuma saya sebagai seorang insuran ejen dan sebagai seorang muslim yang mempunyai ilmu sebegini telah pun melaksanakan tanggungjawab saya untuk berkongsi dgn sdara/ri mengenai ilmu ini....

The market for mortgage loan is a huge one. Pretty much anyone with good or bad credit can get a mortgage loan. Many of the mortgage companies are now opening up to people with bad credit in the past.

Many loan and mortgage lenders specialize in giving loans to the population with poor credit. If does not matter, how poor your credit it, chances are bright you will get a mortgage loan.

When credit is sub par, you will need to work harder to get the loan you deserve. In most cases, interest rates you pay on the loan will be higher. Hence, it is imperative that you call up at least a few mortgage loan lenders to get the best possible loan. Bottom line is poor credit cannot hold you down if you are determined to get the mortgage loan or a refinance loan.

You will be classified as having sub par credit or poor credit if you have a bankruptcy on your credit report. A Chapter 7 filing for bankruptcy will lessen the chances of a mortgage loan compared to a Chapter 13 filing. A foreclosure lawsuit is another important entry in your credit report. It can also have a negative impact on interest rates being charged on your mortgage loan. If you have a debt collection agency chasing you, it gets noted in your credit report and this will also influence you chances of getting a mortgage loan. Any judgement against you will result in a poor credit.

Your poor credit perspective is actually given by a score called as FICO score. This score is stored with your credit file referred to by your creditors. The higher you FICO, the better are your chances of getting a loan with the rates you dreamt of. A grading of A, B, C and D is given based on your FICO score. A grade of D is classified as a poor credit rating.

It is best advised to contact multiple mortgage loan lenders and get the best quote possible when dealing with poor credit.

5 Great Reasons To Refinance

Posted by belakepare | 7:54 PM | | 0 comments »

There are many great reasons to refinance. With lower cost, adjustable rate, and 0-down options, traditional loan programs like 30-year or 15-year fixed rate mortgages don't always allow us to meet our financial goals. Today, even reducing your mortgage interest rate a little can save you big over the life of your home loan. Take a look below at 5 great reasons to refinance.

1. Lower Your Monthly Payment
If you plan to live in your home for a few years, it may make sense to pay a point or two to decrease your interest rate and overall payment. Over the long run, you will have paid for the cost of the mortgage refinance with the monthly savings. On the other hand, if you plan on moving in the near future, you may not be in your home long enough to recover the refinancing costs. Calculating the break-even point before you decide to refinance can help determine whether it makes sense.

2. Switch From an Adjustable Rate to a Fixed Rate Mortgage
Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) can provide lower initial monthly payments for those who are willing to risk upward market adjustments. They're also ideal if you don't plan to own your property for more than a few years. However, if you have made your house a permanent home, you may want to swap your adjustable rate for a 15-, 20- or 30-year fixed rate mortgage. Your interest may be higher than with an ARM, but you have the confidence of knowing what your payment will be every month for the rest of your loan term.

3. Escape Balloon Payment Programs
Like adjustable rate mortgage programs, balloon programs are great when you want lower rates and lower initial monthly payments. However, if you still own the property at the end of the fixed rate term (usually 5 or 7 years), the entire balance of your mortgage is due to the lender. If you are in a balloon program, you can easily switch over into a new adjustable rate mortgage or fixed rate mortgage.

4. Remove Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
Zero or Low down payment options allow homeowners to purchase homes with less than 20% down. Unfortunately, they also usually require private mortgage insurance, which is designed to protect the lender from loan default. As the value of your home increases and the balance on your home decreases, you may be eligible to remove your PMI with a mortgage refinance loan.

5. Cash In on Your Home's Equity
Your home is a great resource for extra cash. Like most homes, yours has probably increased in value, and that gives you the ability to take some of that cash and put it to good use. Pay off credit cards, make home improvements, pay tuition, replace your current car, or even take a long-overdue vacation. With a cash-out mortgage refinance transaction, it's easy. And it's even tax deductible.

Understanding of the Forex Market

Posted by belakepare | 7:41 PM | | 0 comments »

Some people thinks that forex market is easy investment which is when the price bullish you buy and when the price bearish you sell, but in reality it not as simple as think. Entering into the Forex market without any or a few knowledge is like you put your personal wealth at a risk. You also can find hundreds or thousands of games, information and simulations involved with the online forex trading which you can learn while you are surfing the internet. All countries in the world are practicing the forex markets , the involvement of the countries that are using many types of currencies happens when their currency faced against another currency are worth more or less than the original valued currencies that are being traded. For governments, brokers and banks and also for many countries, the forex markets normally are used to build wealth in.

As an introduction in the forex market trading, you must to identify and locate the online forex broker, forex trading terminal such as meta trader software or web based terminal and education-learning system such as forex e-book, forex articles and also webmaster forums as tools. Every brokers have a demo account as training session for you to learn on how to experience the forex trading, in the following training you able to learn how to lose and gain money in the forex market. This demo version is going to make you more expert of the forex market, how to enter the market what is spread, pips, leverage, swap and chart.

You can open an account by registering with the brokers and then using the trading terminal that provided by the brokers. With this trading terminal you will then be able to know the market the news and also able to make testing or fake trades to know your understanding and skill regarding forex market so you can identify your money in the demo version gain or loss. As being discuss by the forex expert knowledge and training day by day must be implementing by the new beginners so you are more prepared, more knowledge and you will be ready to use live version in the forex trades to gain money. Nevertheless, you must need a broker as a platform to make your trading transactions take place but it is better for you to understand how the process works, the markets, the currencies in other countries and what action you can make when you read and understand about the news.

Reputable brokers are the most important matters that you must assure when you are ready to participate in the group of forex traders in making deals in the forex market. Forex trading can only be completed through a broker and no such company able to do that as it tight with rules, regulation and laws. As there are many interests in the forex market, there are certain companies that are taking an advantage acting as a genuine broker but, they are absolutely not.

It’s not unusual for student loan and consolidation to go together. The question is whether you know enough about the two to make the right decision after college. Here’s what you need to know about consolidating student loans.

Types of Student Loans

These days, finishing college can be financially difficult. This is why making a couple of student education loans can be one of the best ways to make sure one gets a degree. There are times though when college students need to make more than one loan for a variety of different expenses. When the time comes to pay after graduation, payment terms and conditions can either be too heavy or too expensive. One can therefore opt to consolidate student loans. You can make one payment for all your loans at an affordable monthly rate.

Consolidating student loans may now seem like the best step to take. Remember though that you may have taken different types of loans. You may have both private and federal loans. Depending on your consolidator, you may be able to merge these two types of loans. Thos however is not such a good idea. Federal loans may have special benefits and terms that are not present in private loans. If you choose to merge all your loans together, you will automatically lose whatever term benefits are attached to your federal loans.

Student loan and consolidation is best handled by categorizing loans according to types. Just consolidate your federal loans in one group and your private loans in another. This is still convenient for you since you only have to make two monthly payments.

Choosing a Consolidator

Consolidating student loans need not be difficult if you have the right consolidator. For starters you can ask your private lenders if they have programs for merging loans. Remember though that not every lender will agree to combine loans made with other competing lending institutions.

You also have the alternative to get a third party consolidator. Of course, these companies may also have their own sets of terms and limitations. It is therefore important to scout for a company with the best services. You can easily do this now online. You can use a search engine to locate consolidators and independent reviews of their services. Take the time to compare the companies that you are considering.

Once you have a shortlist of consolidators you next have to take a closer look at their policy guidelines. You may not qualify for some programs if you have a small total loan amount or if you have a bad credit score. Aside from their policies, you also need to take a closer look at the costs of consolidation. The mere act of processing the merging of your loans can come with consultation and application fees. Find out if you can actually afford to merge your loans.

Student loan and consolidation is not rocket science. But it isn’t a piece of cake either. You might want to find out first if consolidation is the best option for you to take.

It may be a good option for you to consider consolidating student loans. That is if you want to have the convenience of making only one monthly payment. Depending on the terms you settle for, you may also be able to lower your monthly rates and extend your payment period. Sometimes though, combining student loans may not be a good idea. Find out first if college student loan consolidation is a good step for you.

Different Loan Types

You may be encouraged to combine your loans because it is a convenient option. You should however assess first if the convenience you get from consolidation outweighs some possible disadvantages. One major disadvantage is the loss of federal loan benefits. Merging federal loans with private loans means your government loans will take on completely different terms. Some benefits which may disappear include fixed interest and tax deductibles. If you want to preserve the benefits of federal loans, then you should consolidate them separately.

Grace Period Option

Some loans have a grace period after college in which payment will not be immediately required. College student loan consolidation may be performed during this period. The advantage to this move is that you may be able to fix your interest rate for the duration of your payment period. This may not be a good option for you though if you cannot afford to immediately make payments. In a lot of cases, consolidating shortly after graduation would also automatically strip you of the remaining grace period. You would be asked to pay as soon as consolidation is done.

Payments On the Dot

Common sense should tell you that consolidating student loans also means paying on time. You should realize though that prompt payments are even more significant with consolidated loans. When you combine your loans, it will reflect on your credit record. This in itself will seemingly improve your credit record because you only have a single loan on record. Paying on time however, will improve your record even more. What this means for you is that you have a better chance of getting approval for other loans after college. Lenders like good clean records that show minimal loans and prompt payments.

Various Payment Period Options

There are different payment period choices for you to make for college student loan consolidation. At the most, you can extend your payment period up to three decades. This will allow you to earn the cash you need to pay your debts. This option will also normally lower your monthly rate to an affordable one. Whenever possible though, it still makes a lot of sense to settle for shorter payment periods. This is because longer payment schemes mean a higher overall accumulated interest rate. You would be better off saving the cash you pay for interest.

Consolidating student loans truly can provide great relief to many college graduates. You would however have to determine first if your personal circumstances fit this option.

It’s no secret that you can now get a free online car insurance quote. Some would see this as a definite benefit. Others who are in a rush to get insurance however may view quote collecting as an unnecessary delay. There are however a couple of very good reasons to get free auto insurance price quotes.

Free Quotes

You can’t downplay the importance of auto insurance. This is regardless of whether you are getting one for yourself or a loved one. In the final analysis, good coverage can help you save thousands of dollars. This is why most drivers or parents decide to get auto insurance price quotes.

It remains a fact of life however, that insurance companies are not all the same. If you aren’t a careful insurance shopper, you could end up paying very expensive rates when you could have gotten cheaper rates for the same terms of coverage. The key to finding the best coverage is to get several insurance quotes and compare them. Some companies will ask for a fee just to get a quote. Why should you pay though when you can easily get a free online car insurance quote?

Where to Get Them

It’s now easier than ever to get auto insurance price quotes at no cost. All you need is an internet connection and a search engine. Your first option is to get quotes from individual insurance companies that turn up in your search results. Although some companies ask for fees, there are also quite a number that offer free quotes based on the specific information that you indicate in their forms. Another option is to use third party quote generators. These can provide free quotes from multiple companies.

It’s important to remember though that a company offering a free online car insurance quote is not the same as every other. Some for example may not be able to provide accurate quotes for every company based on your unique information. Others may also not include several companies in a multiple quote. Hence, the best technique would be to get quotes from several companies and free sites. This will allow you to compare rates better.

More than Quotes

You should be concerned about getting more than just auto insurance price quotes. This is simply because rates aren’t everything. You may be able to get good rates only to find out later that a company has poor customer service and lots of confusing fine print.

To ensure that you get more than just a free online insurance quote, you need to find out what real customers think. Thanks to the internet, you can easily do this too. There are now forums and independent review sites that offer unbiased opinions from clients who have actually tried the services of insurance companies. It would be to your advantage to pay attention to what these real people have to say about a car insurance provider before you sign the papers.

Getting a free online car insurance quote really does make a lot of sense. It is very important though to be very wise when it comes to where you get your quotes and how you compare them.

It can be a chore going through health insurance options. You shouldn’t have to crack your brains to get health insurance. It is a fact though that the technical terms can really be exasperating. If you want to understand your choices, you can start with a few basic concepts.

The most usual type of insurance offered is called managed care. Most people have this type simply because it is very convenient. Those with this type of insurance plan can take advantage of a network of cheaper medical services and providers. In other words, as long as a health care provider is within the network, an insurance plan holder can expect lower fees or costs. There are sub types of health insurance options under managed care.

1. The first sub type is popularly known as HMO or Health Maintenance Organization. People who get health insurance of this type are placed under a primary doctor. This doctor is in charge of monitoring your medical history. He is also in charge of referring you to other doctors who may specialize in any new condition you may have.

2. Among your health insurance options is Point of Service or POS. In this type, a doctor in charge of primary care will still be around. Patients however are not necessarily limited from choosing doctors that are not members of the managed care network. Of course, you may have to deal with higher costs.

3. You can also get health insurance under Preferred Provider Organizations or PPO. There are no doctors in charge of primary care in this type. Patients will be allowed to go directly to specialists without referrals. These specialist doctors however still have to be members of the managed care network.

Other than health insurance options under managed care, you can also opt for indemnity plans. When you get health insurance of this type, you simply have to pay for your medical costs and then file for a claim. Many health care providers now conveniently take care of the paperwork. Once your claim is approved, you can expect as much as eighty percent of your expenses to be reimbursed.

Health insurance options can seem difficult to understand at first. Starting with reading about basic information however should be able to put you on the right track of making good insurance choices.

One option in currency trading is forex managed accounts. Of course, this still involves the buying and selling of currencies. These accounts however have special qualities and benefits that make them more attractive to traders than actual hands-on trading. Here’s what you need to know about managed forex trading:

Managed Accounts

Any currency trading course can tell you all about the technical details of managed accounts. For starters though, forex managed accounts can be understood through its basic definition. It simply involves leaving your cash investment in the hands of expert traders who will do all the trading for you. Companies and individual traders will perform trading tasks for a fee. Of course, you maintain full access to your account and the manager of your investment would have to check with you when it comes to touching your profits.

These days you can quickly find managed forex trading companies. Online search engines will quickly give you a list of companies that specialize in managed accounts. You can conveniently sign up and invest online.

The real problem now is that there are simply so many companies and traders to choose from. It is always best to pick one that you can trust with your cash. Before putting your money in an account, make sure you read everything there is to read in a company’s website. Check independent reviews too in forums and review sites by actual investors.

Why Managed Trading

There are many good reasons to opt for forex managed accounts. One outstanding reason is that it is a convenient option. Many individuals simply do not have the time and skill to trade. Even if you complete a currency trading course, you may not be able to trade efficiently if you don’t have the passion to trade full time or if you have a full time day job.

Investor Responsibility

Some managed forex trading investors have the mistaken notion that they can just sit back and relax. This is partly true but not completely so. Any basic currency trading course will tell you that you have the responsibility of making sure that you at least know the basic nature of currency trading. Simply put, you have to be aware of the risks. You don’t have to be told that you can lose money just as well as you can earn it in the forex market. This is even if you have an expert trader on your side. A good managed forex trading company should explicitly inform you about the risks.

Forex managed accounts can indeed be your ticket to financial freedom. Always remember though that forex trading in any form is not child’s play. You should be responsible for your own investments.

Are you interested in improving your appearance, at least beauty wise? If you are, you may have been told by those that you know to turn to the internet. While the internet is a great way to familiarize yourself with the latest in beauty trends, as well as learn how to properly apply makeup, get beauty product recommendations and so forth, you also need to be careful when doing so. Despite what you and others are often told, there are both pros and cons to getting your beauty and fashion information from the internet.

As previously mentioned, the internet is a great source of information, no matter what you are looking to research. That is one of the many pros or plus sides to using the internet to research beauty tips, tricks, techniques, and the latest beauty trends. You often have a number of different options. For example, you can visit traditional websites that just focus on beauty and fashion or you can visit the websites of popular printed beauty magazines. You may also be able to find strictly online versions of beauty magazines. These types of magazines are often referred to as online beauty magazines. Having a number of different resources at your tips is what makes the internet nice and convenient.

Although it is nice to be able to access to a number of online resources, when looking for beauty tips, tricks, trends, and techniques, you never really know what you will end up coming across. This is most evident when you come across a website that was designed by someone just like you, an everyday internet user. What you need to remember is that the internet allows just about anyone to post anything that they want online. Just because someone outlines a new beauty trend or gives you a product recommendation, it doesn’t mean that they are speaking the truth. You may not necessarily think about it at the time, but getting your information from unchecked sources may actually end up putting you and your health in danger.

Another one of the many pros or plus sides to using the internet to learn more about beauty is that it is free, at least to find what you are looking for. Most of the websites and resource guides that you will find online are free to access. As long as you take a minute to examine the information being given to you or the source of that information, you shouldn’t have a problem with using the internet to get beauty product recommendations or tips on how to apply makeup and other beauty care products. Depending on how often you search for beauty information, you may be able to save yourself a considerable amount of money by using the internet instead of buying printed fashion magazines, which can actually get quite costly overtime.

As outlined above, you can find beauty tips, tricks, and information on beauty trends by visiting beauty focused websites, reading online beauty magazines, as well by visiting the online websites of popular printed fashion magazines. Finding all of these resources is another one of the many pros to using the internet. When using the internet, it is easy to find whatever you are looking for. A simple standard internet search could help direct you to a popular online beauty website or it could even take you directly to what you were looking for, like tips on how to remove properly remove your makeup at night.

As you can see, from being outlined above, the internet is a great way to find information on beauty tips, tricks, and trends. If you are interested in improving the way that you wear your makeup, how you wear your hair, or the appearance of your skin, you may want to think about turning to the internet to do so. As a reminder though, it is important that you display caution and use your best judgment, especially with something important like beauty product reviews.

Basic Forex Learning

Posted by belakepare | 1:16 AM | | 0 comments »

This ebook is in Malay Language

This ebook for me is superb for the beginners who want to know what is Forex Trading...all the explanation is so simple plus it have picture to shows step by step

Interested just Download it

Figures of Technical Analysis

Posted by belakepare | 10:22 PM | | 0 comments »

Chart Pattern

Forex Trading Tips

Posted by belakepare | 10:15 PM | | 0 comments »

In recent times, we hear different buzzwords when it comes to home businesses. One of them is Forex trading, a business opportunity that could be profitable and should certainly never be overlooked. Since the Internet is available to millions of people worldwide, Forex trading is all the more accessible. Furthermore, as the transaction costs are considerably low and many without commissions, almost anyone can opt for this great opportunity for making money.

Even though online Forex trading could be very confusing for beginners, it has distinctive benefits over other types of investment opportunities and can be used to great effect. However, it is essential for profitable Internet Forex trading, especially for individuals with lack of experience to be aware of certain elements. There is a very thin line between success and failure, and the following tips will help you achieve the former –

There is nothing worse than knowing zilch about trading and venturing into it. Applying the same principle to Forex trading could be more comprehensible as many people venture into this field and end up attracting risks. If you lack prior experience or knowledge about the different currencies, the transactional requirements, or how to trade them online, currency trading can be difficult. Before you start trading forex, you should do some reading and get a good forex education. This not only helps in understanding the business, but also the benefits. You can also refer to online trading books that include free trials of trading software and tips on making profits out of currency trades.

Analyze past currency patterns
Avoid participating in Internet Forex trading until you have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the transactions. Many websites and books are available that give you additional information. Since Internet Forex trading relies on supply and demand of currencies, it essential to know the change in trends of a particular currency. If a currency has previously shown steady performance, then it is possible to profit from the continued move and if it is irregular or trading in a channel, then it becomes more difficult. Many forex traders wait for the channel to be broken to see which way the currency goes before making their trading decisions.

Monitor news
You should keep a watch on the news while when you conduct Forex trading. If you have invested heavily in the dollar, then you may have to hang on to the currency for a while to gain profit out of it. Political and economical decisive factors make a huge difference in trade when it comes to determining the value of different currencies. You can get to know more about this through the financial and business news that not only provides information about Internet Forex trading but also how to profit from it. The best traders use both forex technical analysis and fundamentals to base their trading decisions.

Keep away from algorithmic trading until you gain experience
Algorithmic trading is one of the trends combined with Forex trading. According to the trend, an individual has to work towards a certain formula when calculating the currency he or she wishes to buy or sell. Nevertheless, novices are best recommended to attempt small trade, rooted in historical perspectives to manage Internet Forex trading before testing methods that are more complicated. The more you practice trade in the Forex currency trading market, the better you would become. Eventually even before long you realize, you will be a real Forex trading pro benefiting from all the profits.

Know the currencies
There are about 15 various currencies that one can deal in while trading in the Forex market, which means that you would have various options and policies applicable too. Moreover, as the Forex market matures the amount of currencies accessible also grow. This widens the availability of options to traders, expanding the number of people that trade and making execution of a given transaction considerably easy.

Six Reminders to Successful Trading

Posted by belakepare | 10:13 PM | | 0 comments »

During these times when many traders are quick to take profit, fast actions are required and there isn’t much room even for the tiny monster called ‘greed’.

So we take this opportunity to share with you 6 reminders for any traders out there. We don't call it rules or guidelines because human always forget them after sometime. Therefore we came out with the idea of calling them reminders.

Don’t be a pig and get slaughtered
We would like to reiterate the ever famous “Bulls and bears make money but pigs get slaughtered” by Jim Cramer. Basically what he meant was you can make money during any bull as well as profiting from short-selling during a bear market. However, you are borne to be slaughtered if you are way to slow to take profit. What he’s stressing here is that your profit could go flying so you’re advised to take some “off the table” to reduce the risk of losing your “unrealized profit”

Cut loss when things go really wrong
If you’re a long term investor that have studied and done your homework and fully understand your downside risk, you need not this cut loss strategy as your plan is to further buy-in during slumps. Nevertheless, a trader having such mentality would see his bad trade becoming a bad apple that spoils the whole barrel. In this case, the barrel refers to his whole portfolio. Nevertheless, it is advisable not to set a narrow cut loss margin because that may easily be triggered.

Focus on the downside risk
Always assess the whole situation and focus on the downside risk of the position you are about to establish. Worry about your downside risk and let the upside worry itself. When you are fully aware and is satisfied with the level of your downside risk, it helps you to estimate your cut loss margin.

Fully understand the supply demand force
Study the strength of the bull (buyers) and bear (sellers). Adopt suitable technical analysis methods to identify the trend.

Choose to be an opportunist only
Just be an opportunist when trading financial instruments because there’s where you stand a better chance in minimizing your mistakes. You don’t have to be trading just because you have an extra margin or you have just made huge sum of money before that or you have a weekly target to meet. The market always overreacts, so chances are always around to be an opportunist. Let the opportunity come to you rather than chasing it.

Cash is above all
If you’re uncertain, it is always better to stay with cash because it allows you more options in the coming trading sessions. You can never go wrong with liquid cash.

Top Sites That Pay You to Blog

Posted by belakepare | 9:36 PM | | 0 comments »

26 Sites That Pay You to Blog

Writing paid post is perhaps the most straight forward ways to earn some revenue from blogging.

The way pay post works hasn’t changed much; afterreaching mutual agreement with advertisers, you write about them, they pay you. And if there is a 3rd party (middle man company) involve, they take cut.

Most middle man company provides marketplace for advertisers to look for publishers, vice versa.

If you firmly believe that writing pay post is one good way to revenue from your blog, here’s a list of web services that pays you to write for them. This list will be updated periodically, so if you have a paid post service I’ve missed out I’d like to add them to the list.

Necessary credits will be given.

A high intake of dietary fiber, particularly of insoluble types found in cereals grains, helps promote healthy gastrointestinal functioning. High fiber intake also helps in treating certain gastrointestinal disorders to have a healthy life.

Diet rich in insoluble fiber can lower blood cholesterol levels by 20 percent or more. Since every 1 percent decrease in blood cholesterol levels decrease risk of heart disease 2 percent, high fiber intake can decrease risk of heart disease by 40 percent or more.

Furthermore, diet rich in insoluble fiber add bulk and increase water in the stool, softening the stool and making it easier to pass. Insoluble fiber also speeds passage of food through the intestinal tract, promoting regularity. If fluid intake is also ample, high fiber intake helps prevent and treat constipation, hemorrhoids (swelling of rectal veins), and diverticular disease (development of pouches on the intestinal)

Despite its health advantages, high fiber intake can cause problems, especially for people who drastically increase their fiber intake in a short period of time. When fiber intake increases, so should water intake to prevent the stool from becoming hard and impacted. A sudden increase in fiber intake also can cause increased intestinal gas and bloating. These problems can be prevented both by increasing fiber intake gradually over several weeks and by drinking plenty of fluids, do not rushing to get a result because sometimes it will have a side effect.

High fiber intake may also bind small amounts of minerals in the GI tract and prevent them from being absorbed. Fiber binds the minerals zinc, calcium, magnesium, and iron. For people who get enough of these minerals, however, the recommended amounts of dietary fiber do not significantly affect mineral status.

If the diet contains high amounts of fiber, some people, such as young children and the elderly, may become full before meeting energy and nutrient needs. Because of a limited stomach capacity, they must be careful that fiber intake does not interfere with their ability to consume adequate energy and nutrients.

Key Concepts: Diets high in starch and dietary fiber decrease risk of obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and gastrointestinal disorders. High sugar intake promotes dental caries and can contribute to nutrient deficiencies by replacing other more nutritious foods in the diet. High intake of complex carbohydrates offers many health benefits. Increase fiber intake gradually while drinking plenty of fluids; children and the elderly with small appetites should take care that energy needs are still met.


1. You are able to retrieve actual operating results, instead of projected results:
Being competent to review a company's existing extract accomplishment as reflected in profit and loss, Tax Returns, and otherwise financial records can be helpful in deciding magnification plans. Growth potential can be rhythmical based on literal experience instead of that supposition associated with start ventures.

2. Operating system in localize:
These are key in some business activity. How the job operates, what keeps the clients forthcoming and the cash flowing? The operative system ties everything in the business together. It is the concept and performing direction matured by the previous owners; it strength enjoin changes, but the existing system serves as a blue print, saving the new owner period of time and resources. You can now focus your attention to the production and services, since the operative facilities and employees are already in one place.

3. You can get a quick payment feed from the current commercialism activities:
The condition for working capital assets is reduced due to the quick cash flow being generated by the acquired firm, instead of in an uncharted timeframe when commencing a kind new business. Gain is not a question as it would be in a start. An existing business is belike getting clean receipts and also has a solid client base established, hence maximizing the opportunities of success by the new possessor(s).

4. You will automatically have an established clients and referral commerce:
Without any question one of the most provocative, expensive and time-consuming responsible of a new business owner is cultivating a consumer foundation. When you take over an existing business your customer-base is ready-made and you are able to hit the goals.

5. You will have an existing supplier:
Retributive as an existing business is an accompanies with a ready-made customer base, by that time it comes with a ready-made supplier base and account of dealing. These suppliers probably will be keen to prolong your business and so you will probably refrain a lot of time and expense that you would otherwise supposed to expend to form through competing distribute terms. Existing suppliers are author belike to give you a saving accumulation off the bat.

6. You definitely will have a trained employee in position:
Inheriting trained employees who are already used to with the business activity and industry, is alike with getting an extra on ideal to a business. The business can make exploit by its own and most of the abstraction the employees can offer valuable skilled for the new management.

7. You perhaps subject to buy the business at a bargain price:
A lot of reasons subsist for merchandising a business (retiring individual, partnership action, illness or death of one of the owners, break, restructuring of a large firm, and so on.) and probabilities are, not you are able to get a quality business at a right price, you acquire it at a bargain.

8. Existing or ready made license/permit:
One of the principal advantages of purchasing an existing business is that you can normally start trading on the spot because whatsoever licenses that is required stay to be valid if it changes hands. You just simply need to register a change from existing name to a new name on the licence. If the nature of the business does not have any changes, you definitely will not have to wait longer, while a new application is processed, without any assure that it will be granted at all.

9. Less Hassle:
Commencing up a new business means creating or producing a business models, engaging lawyers and unremarkably expending a massive amount of energy in request to affirm your project through. By purchase an existing business, as everything is already in a place, your energy can go towards by conforming the success of your brand and product, sparing you from expense an amazing total of time, cost and effort on getting the preliminaries as planned.

In Malay Version

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Married Couple Only

Posted by belakepare | 12:51 AM | | 0 comments »

Some e-book in malay language for interested married couple....i no comment!!!

1) Rahsia Kepuasan Batin Isteri Sepanjang Zaman - Preview Only

2) 3 Seni Istimta Yang Teragung


Posted by belakepare | 12:44 AM | | 0 comments »

Over 300 Collection of the Hot and Sexy Celebrity Wallpapers to share....Attention it just sexy only not NUDE....

Please don't Abuse it!!!!!!


Posted by belakepare | 12:33 AM | | 0 comments »

There is a thousand of the PLR Articles that surely will give an advantages you as you can have it and make it as your contain in your website or blog....absolutely FREE

It contain variable topic and niche such as

.....and many more

International Marketing Forums

Posted by belakepare | 8:48 PM | | 0 comments »

Listed below is the international Marketing Forums to share....ENJOY...

1) Digital Point
2) V7N Forum
3) Sitepoint
4) Web Master World
5) SEO Chat
6) Earners Forum
7) High Rangkings.com
8) Self Starters Weekly Tips
9) Wicked Fire
10) Warrior Forum
11) A Best Web
12) 5 Star Affiliate Marketing Forum
13) Affiliate Program Forum
14) Ewealth
15) Affiliates4u
16) Get Paid Forum
17) Dream Team Money
18) Whydowork.com
19) Goldage
20) Work At Home Forum
21) WAHM.com
22) Talk Freelance
23) NamePros
24) DN Forums
25) Scam.com
26) Blogger Forum


Posted by belakepare | 11:22 PM | | 0 comments »

List of E-Books for various categories divided into English and Malay language

Malay Language E-Books

1) 5 Langkah Perniagaan Internet
2) 5 Rahsia Sulit Untuk Kaya DiInternet
3) 7 Rahsia Gaya Pos
4) Bagaimana untuk buat duit dengan myspace dan friendster
5) 6 Modul Adsense
6) Bina Blogdalam 3 minit
7) Formula Matematik
8) Kesilapan Ushawan Muda Internet
9) Laporan Adsense Janawang
10) Model Internet Clickbank Paypal
11) Panduan Domain
12) Panduan Membeli Belah Secara Online
13) Panduan Nuffnang
14) Panduan Blogger Adsense
15) Panduan Alertpay

English Language E-Books

Active Forum in Malaysia

Posted by belakepare | 9:37 PM | | 0 comments »

Here is the list of the active forums in malaysia.....hope it useful....ENJOY

1) lowyat.net
2) mesra.net
3) carigold.com
4) nogold.com
5) jiwang.org
6) melayu.com
7) tokeikedai.net.my
8) sifoo.com
9) pjnet.com.my
24) jombincang.com
25) gebangsempoi.com
26) sindiket.com
27) cybercafe.my
28) fxopen.com

My 1st Blog

Posted by belakepare | 9:29 PM | | 0 comments »


Today 21st April 2009, i created my 1st free blog.
This blog will share any information that i have and found with all of us. Any feedback or comment most welcomed, Also if there is any information that all of you have and want to share please do not hesitate email to me at mypips2share@gmail.com so that i can publish in this blog....

Last but not least thanks for the support.
