It’s not unusual for student loan and consolidation to go together. The question is whether you know enough about the two to make the right decision after college. Here’s what you need to know about consolidating student loans.

Types of Student Loans

These days, finishing college can be financially difficult. This is why making a couple of student education loans can be one of the best ways to make sure one gets a degree. There are times though when college students need to make more than one loan for a variety of different expenses. When the time comes to pay after graduation, payment terms and conditions can either be too heavy or too expensive. One can therefore opt to consolidate student loans. You can make one payment for all your loans at an affordable monthly rate.

Consolidating student loans may now seem like the best step to take. Remember though that you may have taken different types of loans. You may have both private and federal loans. Depending on your consolidator, you may be able to merge these two types of loans. Thos however is not such a good idea. Federal loans may have special benefits and terms that are not present in private loans. If you choose to merge all your loans together, you will automatically lose whatever term benefits are attached to your federal loans.

Student loan and consolidation is best handled by categorizing loans according to types. Just consolidate your federal loans in one group and your private loans in another. This is still convenient for you since you only have to make two monthly payments.

Choosing a Consolidator

Consolidating student loans need not be difficult if you have the right consolidator. For starters you can ask your private lenders if they have programs for merging loans. Remember though that not every lender will agree to combine loans made with other competing lending institutions.

You also have the alternative to get a third party consolidator. Of course, these companies may also have their own sets of terms and limitations. It is therefore important to scout for a company with the best services. You can easily do this now online. You can use a search engine to locate consolidators and independent reviews of their services. Take the time to compare the companies that you are considering.

Once you have a shortlist of consolidators you next have to take a closer look at their policy guidelines. You may not qualify for some programs if you have a small total loan amount or if you have a bad credit score. Aside from their policies, you also need to take a closer look at the costs of consolidation. The mere act of processing the merging of your loans can come with consultation and application fees. Find out if you can actually afford to merge your loans.

Student loan and consolidation is not rocket science. But it isn’t a piece of cake either. You might want to find out first if consolidation is the best option for you to take.